The legal stuff


We care deeply about your privacy and we try to be as transparant as possible with how we use/process/store your data. On this page you can find all information needed to fulfill that. Next to that, you can also find our Terms of Service and other legal documents/statements on this page.


You can view our privacy policy over here. They can change at any time.

For those that don't want to spend a lot of time, we've made a simple TL;DR (don't assume this is all information nor can you quote this but it's just to give you a quick overview.)

  1. The project is developed and managed from The Netherlands by LNGZL.
  2. Our database is hosted and stored in German servers.
  3. Your files are stored, processed and managed on German servers.
  4. Backups of the files are locally stored in The Netherlands on a home hosted server
  5. Files are only looked at when a report is made or when it's automatically getting processed and flagged
  6. No files are shared without your consent, by sharing the URL to a file hosted on you share the file
  7. No data is sold, shared or viewed by an outside party behind the screens.

Terms of Service

You can view our ToS over here. They can change at any time.

For those that don't want to spend a lot of time, we've made a simple TL;DR (don't assume this is all information nor can you quote this but it's just to give you a quick overview.)

  1. We can remove your account and/or files without warning or any reasoning
  2. Don't upload or share files that are not allowed in The Netherlands or Germany
  3. Don't upload or share copyrighted files without permission
  4. Don't use our service to share malicious files or software
  5. Don't upload or share adult material through our service
  6. Don't use bots to upload files to our service
  7. Don't use our service for bad things
  8. Use common sense if you use our service